Week Thirteen

This week I got literally nothing done. I’ve been sick all week in bed or doing homework I missed, giving me no time to work on my GHP. Even though nothing got done, I’m not worried; I’m still ahead in my scheduling and have what I want to write planned out, meaning if I wanted I could probably just relax for a week or two.

Week Eleven

As I’ve been done learning for two weeks now, I haven’t had much to do. I’ve begun writing my script for the final and have about a paragraph done. Now that I’m pretty much done with my GHP, I have more time to work on other things and get ahead in classes.

Week Nine

At this point in my planning, I should be at the end of learning the Chinese alphabet, but I’m actually over halfway through Greek. This has been the easiest alphabet so far because the most strokes in a symbol is only three, and some of these I’ve seen before. By the next time I have a blog update, I should be done learning the alphabets and I can begin writing and preparing for my final.

Week Six

This week I’m officially caught up with what I was scheduled to do by this week. I finished the Russian alphabet two weeks ago and am now on just finishing the second line of the Chinese alphabet (photo credit template.net). I should, hopefully, have Chinese done by the end of this month and be able to move on to Greek, which I hope to finish by early May.Chinese-Alphabet-Character-Letters-Set.jpg

Week Three

In my third week I got a lot more done than I have so far. My plan this week was to memorize the first line of the Russian alphabet, which I quickly, I even memorized two more symbols than planned, setting me further ahead for next week. My plan this coming week is to memorize what remains in the second row, and more than that if I’m able, as I only have three remaining in row two.

Week Two

The first of my project hasn’t been very eventful, I found my three alphabets and looked them over, but wasn’t able to to memorize any lines. Looking over the alphabets, I’ve been able to take in a few of the symbols, but not enough to test myself over any of them. In my opinion, this was a failed week and I hope I can get an actual start in the week to come.